Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oh what a night!

It's almost 12:30 a.m. on Sunday night. I'm having one of those moments where it feels like the planets have aligned and the heavens are smiling down upon me. (And with my post-partum stress, I needed a day like this!) I've had a very productive day and I'm proud of myself for everything that I've gotten done, especially in the last 5 hours:
  • Get Kaden up and ready to spend the day with Aunt Lori and Uncle Brian
  • Work the graduation ceremony at WSU (6 hours!)
  • Return home to have a wonderful husband air up my tire
  • Kiss hubby goodbye as he goes to work (just a tradition as he leaves)
  • Cook dinner for myself
  • Do 4 loads of laundry (folding, hanging up stuff and putting everything away)
  • Pay bills and balance checkbook
  • Do 2 loads of dishes in the dishwasher and handwash 8 bottles
  • Feed/burp/rock/sing to Kaden
  • Pack Kaden's bag for tomorrow to go to the sitter

I know that might not seem like very much to some people, but it's been a great evening and I feel good about myself. I also went through my closet and folded up some of my maternity clothes that I received on loan from my friend Suzanne. It feels nice to know those clothes are making their way out of my closet.

I also worked up the courage to try on some of my pre-pregnancy jeans. My American Eagle size 14 jeans didn't fit. I hoped they would but it just means that my hips haven't gone back to their pre-baby size. Not wanted to be discouraged again I took a deep breath and tried on my Gap size 12 jeans. They fit! I was so surprised and so happy that they fit. I now have 4 pairs of jeans that I can wear.


BEK said...

YEAH!!! Jeans that fit is a huge esteem booster!!!!

Jenn said...

YAY mama! I love days like that! I mean, I love hearing about them. I have never had one that I remember. Right now I have a kitchen full of dirty dishes, a laundry room full of laundry and the house is messy! And I have been busy all day, doing what I don't know! Ha!

Jen and Ryan said...

I think that somehow Karma knew I'd be sick all week. I've been relying on Ryan pretty heavily and he's been a real trooper. I made dinner in the crockpot on Tuesday (chili) and Ryan served it to me in bed! He also dug the humidifier out of the closet (without me asking for it) and filled it up and put it on the floor next to my side of the bed. I'm so ready for this sickness to be over!