Wednesday, February 20, 2008

9 weeks, 4 days

Ryan and I went on vacation to New Mexico last week, which is why there was no week 8 or week 9 letters.  We went to Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Taos and Angel Fire.  Ryan went skiing with my sisters, dad, brother-in-law Brian and almost brother-in-law Kurtis.  I stayed at the condo with mom - it wasn't worth a few days of skiing to risk falling down or being hit.

Most of the morning sickness has subsided - yay!  I still have some periods of it every now and then.  Ryan and I went out to eat and then to a movie last night to celebrate my birthday.  On the way home from the movie I started gagging.  Ryan said that I looked like our cats - mostly Amy when we try to feed her something and she gags at the taste.

Our basement is getting closer to being finished.  Ryan and his dad worked on hanging more sheetrock yesterday.  There's only a few more pieces that need to go up.  We have water hookups in the new bathroom now.  Once the basement bathroom and bedroom are finished, the office will be moved downstairs to make room for the baby's room.

I'm starting to get a bit of a belly too.  My doctor said that most of it is bloating, so you don't get to see any pictures until it gets a little bigger.  Sorry!  It is becoming more noticable though.  It's weird to think that I have a little person growing inside of me.  Sometimes it just hits me, "Hey, I'm pregnant.  There's going to be a baby here in 7 months."  

1 comment:

Devion said...

YAY for less morning sickness! I, too, had it all day long at different points...sometimes just all day long. SUCKS! Oh, well. Trust me when I say that it is ALL worth it in the end!!!