Sunday, January 4, 2009

First Post of the Year

Happy New Year! Unfortunately I have to go back to work tomorrow. I've been off since before Christmas and it's been wonderful spending the extra time with my husband and son. Kaden got a monkey for Christmas and he's starting to hug it (and suck on its nose, tail and ears).

We also got him a Bumbo for Christmas and was able to sit up and watch us take down all the decorations on New Years Day.

We used our Christmas money to get cabinents for our laundry room. Ryan was able to put them all together and up mostly by himself. We only had one minor setback. One of the screws to secure the cabinent to the wall drilled all the way through a water pipe. Thankfully Lowe's was still opened and Ryan's dad helped him pick out the parts to fix it in only a few minutes. The flood was averted and we now have quite a bit more storage in our house.

1 comment:

BEK said...

YEAH for more storage!! Love the photos of Kaden!