Monday, July 21, 2008

DWS (Driving while stupid)

I spotted two cases of DWS this morning:

On my way to work this morning I almost got rear ended.  It was one of those situations where the person behind you wasn't paying attention close enough to the brake lights of the cars one - three cars ahead of you and had to swerve onto the shoulder so she wouldn't hit me.  After I witnessed this display of stupidity, she picked a cup (like a ceramic coffee cup without a lid) and took a sip.  Nice job lady.

A little bit further down the highway, there was a person driving a good 5 miles under the speed limit so I passed her.  Being the curious person I am, I looked over to see who was driving.  It was some chick looking in the visor mirror,  using a wet wipe and two hands (which meant no hands on the steering wheel) cleaning makeup off underneath her eyes.  You could have fixed that when you got to your work's parking lot.  No one notices your makeup while driving 60 miles an hour honey!

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