6:00 a.m.
Me: Good morning Fez, do you want me to pet you already?Fez: Meow. (No. I need to show you something.)
6:45 a.m. - done with shower, cooking breakfast
Me: What Fez? I've already petted you. (pet, pet, pet)
Fez: Meow-meow. (Dumb ass, I'm trying to tell you something!)
7:25 a.m. - putting on my shoes, getting ready to look walk out the door
Me: (looking to the right at the monstrous pile of kitty barf by the front window) Shit. You've got to be kidding me.
Fez: Meow, meow, meow! (Told you so. Idiot.)
Yikes. That makes me wonder why Meow Meow keeps biting Brian and me today ...
The real question is...did Fez do it or was he just ratting out Amy!
Meow meow meow meow meow.
That's kitty for give us a new blog posting, sista!
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