Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

Another year older.  I was thinking about this last night as I fell asleep.  Exactly one year ago we had just found out I was pregnant an now we have a beautiful, almost 5 month old baby boy.  Ryan was sweet enough to whisper "Happy Birthday baby" to me after 1:00 a.m. this morning.  Life is good.


Jenn said...

Hey- I meant to call you several times today but Lauren was either asleep or crawling all over me!! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweetie! I hope you have a wonderful one! Give Kaden a hug for me!

Hey we will be in town this weekend if you aren't busy lets get together on Saturday!

I am so excited- I just noticed that your blog word verification says "shwang." Like the past tense of shwing, right? How bad ass is that!!! My very favorite word verification ever! Have a SHWANGy birthday!

BEK said...

I am catching up on my blog reading! Happy Birthday friend!